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Cabinet of The Society

Cabinet of the Society 
(President )

Shrimati Rabia Sultana is the President and chairman of the Wisdom Home Society. Madam Sultana is a dedicated, honest, sincere, duty bound and she is connected in the field of education for the last 20 years. The wisdom home Sr. Sec. School is an example of our commendable administration capability of making perfect discipline and showing fragrance of her simplicity, punctuality, having soft corners for weaker section so as to prove that the women is the role model of the society in developing all areas of education social up liftmen. She is bent open helping down trodden society and always busy in doing creative work, this is the outcome of her burning desire.

Shrimati Rabia Sultana

Shri   Alkesh Kumar is holding the responsibility to work as secretary Wisdom Home Society. He is honest, sincere, hardworking, punctual and dedicated to his work. A word of praise for his command able social attachment and has earned a good home and fame in Udaipur. He is bent upon in removing the social evils and antisocial activities to the best of his capability. He is having burning desire to earn name and fame of the society so as to reach it to the peak position. His sweet, sympathetic, behaviour especially towards the weaker sections of the society deserves a word of praise. He is an real sense an assets to our society.
Shri Alkesha Kumar
Mrs . Pushpa Sharma has working as a treasurer of the wisdom Home society for the last one years. she is sincere, hardworking, honest and dedicated. she is keeping her involvement in devoting maximum time in social work mainly helping poor, weaker section of the society and continuously working for the up liftmen Society.
Mrs . Pushpa Sharma